
23 Audio Reviews

10 w/ Responses

Awesome take on the original. I'd say the intro was a little weak but damn the main loop got me.

Demonicity responds:

i did not expect this response.
man i did this track literally because of the chaos faction level :,D

First review!

To an AWESOME song. Seriously, very clean, professional, nice mix-down. And very diverse. Respect.

Ok song..

but not drum & bass. make sure you have the right category in the future.

Pretty good song.

Nice to hear a decent decent in the weekly top 5 for a change.

And invaderzimja, the ID is 89792. (it's the number at the end of the URL ^ )

*Paradice on F#

Why does everyone always get that wrong? Anyway, awesome remake of the classic. I want your babies.

Might as well reply to your PM here...

Thanks for releasing this in better quality, but why did you take out the vox? Roll on the next version!

XayberOptix responds:

I didn't take out the Vox, I just didn't put it in on this version. ;)

You again :)

Ok, I guess I owe you a review or two by now.

Let's see.. my first impression was that the pad your using (albeit quite sexy..) is way too overpowering. I was also a bit disapointed to hear quite a standard Vanguard preset being used straight away, (and all through the track) but I guess it works quite well.
As for the diversity.. I'd place this under prog-trance, if there is such a genre. Waay too progressive and buildy-upy, and you pretty much use the same sounds throughout with very little variation, but then I think it creates quite a good atmosphere. A little boring but only in the way that all progressive music is kinda boring.
The drums are kinda.. well, pretty week, which I was suprised about considering how much you complain about mine :P I was expecting something a little more powerful to give it a more industrial feel but no such luck :( But again, I think they work fine with the atmosphere.

Generally not bad, but I think you could do with a little work on your mastering to give it a cleaner finish.

Also, how do your tracks get so many reviews? mine hardly have any and most of them are at least gold :(

Anyway, a little dark for my taste (as you should realise) but not bad for the style.


Karco responds:

All right... nothing to add relating to the first paragraph, though I'll keep your advice in mind. This was actually supposed to be submitted under Trance... but I must have misclicked, or something. Gah. >:(

Yep, now it's official - serious diversity issues in this song... I'll be sure to fix that in part two. ;)

I think the drums could have been weak in the beginning while they were under that filter... but you were supposed to simply notice them until I pulled off the filter and let them play normally. Actually, I'd agree that industrial drums would fit well. But that's not the feeling I was aiming for... ;)

Yeah... like I said in a few other responses, I think I might rerelease this one since I apparently didn't do as well as I thought. :( I'm trying.

And my reviews... I get so many because I want them. :P If you look at my review count, it's fairly high for someone signed up for a little more than two months, with more than 200 reviews... and then many of them, especially the recent ones, give a lot of positive criticism (or praise if the song is good enough :D) and advice, asking the artist to stop by my audio page at the end. It's this combination that makes them feel obligated to... thus the high amount of reviews. That, and I have a few friends who are consistently reviewing my music... so maybe if you just reviewed other people's music a bit more often you would get more in return. ;)

Thanks a lot for your review, EON, I'll be sure to keep your input in mind. :)

Very good!

I thought I recognised it when the melody kicked in, to be honest I've never actually heard the original but I'm sure this is just as good. In fact for all I know This could be the original...
Was this recorded live, or was it sequenced? I can hear elements of both, and if it was then you put it together very effectively.
Nicely done.
Have a 5 why don't you.

F3NRIZ responds:

thanks! It's all computer/synthesizer made (but I did not use any samples). I played/programmed the tracks, then I recorded and mixed them together.

It's way better sped up!

Angry chip-monks!

I don't know why...

but I actually liked this. Sure it's insanely mixed up and sounds like a broken record but it has some really good beats hidden away. You pick up your points with diversity on this one...

If you've seen my alias written as -EON-, it's still me. Due to changes in formatting I've had to shed my beloved hyphens.

George Eade @EON

Age 36, Male

Games developer

Bournemouth, UK

Joined on 5/12/04

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