If you've seen my alias written as -EON-, it's still me. Due to changes in formatting I've had to shed my beloved hyphens.

George Eade @EON

Age 36, Male

Games developer

Bournemouth, UK

Joined on 5/12/04

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Chaos Faction 2!

Posted by EON - August 12th, 2008

Ok, so Epsilon was insanely popular and did far better than any of us were expecting. I was amazed it stayed in the top 50 for as long as it did, I really wasn't expecting such an appreciative reception. And to think I was planning on giving up half way through the game because I thought it was crap...

But anyway, now that's finally out the way we've started on another little project. That's right, for all you Chaos Faction fans endlessly pestering for a sequel, Chaos Faction 2 is now on the way! The original release date was for the end of September, but due to unforeseen factors (namely remembering that flash games do actually take a while to make) that date is now looking more like Christmas time. But the wait will be worth it. We've got the likes of Michael Swain working on some level designs and graphics, Geier Arnold on the music (he also did the music for Epsilon), and we'll hopefully be getting in some other artists to help out with other aspects.

That's all I'll say for now, but you can read up more on what's planned for the game here, and have your say on what you think should be included.


Great news, looking forward to see the game once it will be released!



Here's a suggestion: When shooting and such, please make it more "forceful", like, there needs to be more strength behind the animation and more power etc. Maybe screen shaking or something.

I know exactly what you mean, and that's what we're trying to improve on.

YAY! I love chaos faction haven't played it much since a few months back though... CANT WAIT 4 THE SEQUEL! Can you tell us anything new about chaos faction 2?

looking forward to it
you already have my 5

Ooh Chaos Faction returns :O will this one have an online option?

The first one made me really mad because of how hard some of the enemies were. I can't wait to see the next one! :D

no way dude. i cant wait for it man.

cant wait

My favorite Online game is gonna have a sequel.



The-Swain seems to have a lot of time on his hands. He's working with Glaiel on a game right now, too, I think.

Chaos Faction 2 will be awesome. Is this the rip-roaring online sequel you were thinking about, or is this going to basically be like the first one with more features?

Like we've said it looks like the multiplayer version would be impossible, XML sockets just aren't fast enough for a fast paced action game like this. So basically CF2 will be like the first with much more features, better weapons, levels, controls etc. It'll also have same-keyboard multiplayer :)

Heh, I just played Epsilon and beat it. It's like Portal, except it looks and feels completely different.

If you just add offline multiplayer I will be happy, Can't wait!

You won't be disapointed.


hell yeah!!! can't wait

o_e Chaos Faction II......

I was always thinking of a Lightning-themed guy in Chaos Faction... Perhaps there could be one in CF2?

I can't wait for Chaos Faction 2! Will you also make sequels to your other games?

so when is it coming out anyway?

hopefully before christmas.

All the gods of music and animation are working on this fantastic flash. The swain and arnold, awsome! A few suggestions: please amke a wider variety of weapons characters, and levels. The game was very easy to beat. Also make the wopean damage more realistic, perhaps when the katana slashes a temporary slash apears on the chest and then fades away, at the same time a little blood spatters on the screen. Same thing with a crossbow, you can actualy see a arrow stuck througha chracter. Make critical damage as well as maybe a higher defence or a higher attack pickup, or temperory infimite ammo, maybe bloodlust mode. I have the ultimate gaming pc sitting here and he says he's bored.

Please repond!

I know what you mean about the effects the weapons have on characters and I've been working on it. There is now blood/shockwaves etc which makes hitting an enemy a lot more satisfying :)

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