If you've seen my alias written as -EON-, it's still me. Due to changes in formatting I've had to shed my beloved hyphens.

George Eade @EON

Age 36, Male

Games developer

Bournemouth, UK

Joined on 5/12/04

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1,894 / 2,180
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Posted by EON - April 1st, 2023




No way

Hey! What have you been up to?

Yo - big question.. Short answer is: working for a small games studio in Bournemouth since 2010. We're not changing the world but we've made some nice little games for some big brands like LEGO and Netflix.

The industry's nothing like what it was 13 years ago, we've long since moved on from Flash and mostly do Unity mobile apps now. But not gonna lie, I'm painfully nostalgic for the old days...

Anyway really good to see the death of Flash hasn't killed NG, looks like you guys are still going strong. Thanks for getting in touch ✊

No way Dude… when chaos faction 3?

I’m such a huge fan of your works here.

holy crap! hope you're doing well, EON! i loved your work on the Chaos Faction games back in the day, and even now! <3333

Holy shite


Still alive

duuuuuuuude no way

can't believe you're still alive dude, btw i wanna ask
what was the song used for Dynasty Street's Tournament song, the "Song For Chesh" i looked for sounds different to the one playing in the game
keep going brotha ✊

hello, this comment is going to be very long, I know that game development is somewhat complicated and I am aware of it, I don't even know the whereabouts of dissolute productions, I don't even know if it's still standing. so I would like to give a suggestion in case you read it in the future. Since I was little I played a game called Chaos Faction and then its sequel Chaos Faction 2. They have really been games that touched my heart as a child since I was little. Recently at work, I downloaded the 2 chaos factions to remember old times, and damn, no matter how small or big it was, I still enjoy them. I thank you very much for making the childhood of many young people who have gone through everything and even so this game remains in our memory. but hey, what I was going for, in case you keep in touch, I give you a suggestion regarding the saga. the creation of the 3rd installment of Chaos Faction. Chaos Faction has always been characterized by its originality, for example games like Smash are characterized because they all have different powers, but chaos faction are all the same, it all depends on the weapons that you get. The best thing in the case of a Chaos Faction 3 is that it has multiplayer. unfortunately Flash died recently, so the best thing for chaos faction 3 is still a game for steam, with multiplayer, mods, and other things. They could put together the extensive catalog of characters from the 2 games and add even more, yes, I know that characters like madness, tankman, and dad n me are from other creators, so it wouldn't be bad to talk to them overall, they allowed them put characters in cf2. They could also make the game free or paid, depending on whether they want to make microtransactions. a lore, even if it is simple, the lore of the player against vortigon is very interesting and they could add more depth to it. but hey, that's my suggestion, I'm aware how difficult it is to create a game, even so it's something I wanted to drop, thanks for your attention.

Buh moment

By any chance can we get HQ audio of the Chaos Faction 2 soundtrack anywhere ?

Thanks for Chaos Faction 1 and 2, I still play them, even today (the second one more than the first one, damn Vortigon level).


Glad to see you're alive and to hear you've made it to a real name studio in the industry. Thanks for being a part of my childhood.

You're alive! I know you for your music.

Love to see you alive, 2 Left Thumbs should definitely do a retrospective interview with you


@kapsel1997 i hope so too, including a retrospective on Diseased Productions (AKA Diseased Weasel), the guy who made Thing-Thing and a plethora of other games like Fuzzy McFluffenstein, Chronicles Of Stinky Bean and Saturday Night Bloodfest

[The Return of the King]

A comment on this topic has already been left, but still, have you thought about porting cf2 to Android? The concept and gameplay of the game is perfect for this platform, adding multiplayer this game would have no equal on all of Google Play. Happy New Year!)

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